have power over

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have power over

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:37:01

英 [hæv ˈpauə ˈəuvə]

美 [hæv ˈpaʊɚ ˈovɚ]

have power over基本解释

能支配; 对 ... 有控制权


  • 网络解释

1. 控制,支配:16. belong to 属于 | 17. have power over 控制,支配 | 1. Goodwill Ambassador 亲善大使

2. have power over是什么意思

2. 有支配...的权力:have no power with ... 对...没有权力 | have power over ... 有支配...的权力 | have the power to (+ inf.) 有权...

3. 控制:have pity on sb 同情 | have power over 控制 | have sth to do with 与...有关; 与...来往

4. have power over

4. 掌控/管制:52. 据说... it is said that... | 53. 掌控/管制... have power over... | 依靠/依赖某人提供... depend on sb. for sth.

  • 临近词
"The chimpanzees are violent because they want power, they try to have control and power over others while bonobos are using violence to prevent one for dominating them," Hare continued.(黑猩猩使用暴力是因为它们想要权利,对别的黑猩猩取得控制。而倭黑猩猩使用暴力是为了防止受制于人“,哈尔说到。”)
Sixteen thousand such heavenly years constitute the life-span among the devas who have power over the creations of others.(如此一万六千天年,为他化自在天天神的寿命。)
No matter what your areas of expertise are, there are people out there who want - no, need - to know it so they can have more power over their own destinies.(不管你专长与哪个领域,总有想要——哦需要——去知道它的人出众,所以他们能够有更多力量超越他们的命运。)
Remember, you have real power over your life as long as you take responsibility for the results you get.(请记住,你拥有真正的能力超越你的生活只要你能对结果负责。)
Parents have power over how well the ban on selling cigarettes to kids is enforced, says DiFranza, because much of the enforcement is at the local level, from the police and local health department.(迪弗扎说:父母有权力禁止销售商向孩子们销售香烟。大部分的执法都是由警察和当地卫生部门负责。)
True liberty is to have power over oneself in all things.(真正的自由是在所有时候都能控制自己。)
This not only saves you a lot of waiting, but is also more pleasurable since you feel like you have the power over your life. Instead of feeling like you are run by a bunch of random outside forces.(这样不仅免去了无谓的等待,还能使人心情愉悦,因为你会发觉生活是把握在自己手中,而不是受外在力量的控制。)
The other pleasing thing about Ronaldo's decision to stay, according to Wenger, is that it shows the Clubs still have power over their contracted stars.(温格看来,罗纳尔多决定留下还说明俱乐部在对待他们的签约球员方面仍有强制力。)
We have more control and power over our business, " says a woman who has provided "professional development services" to women in the industry for the past seven years.(我们对生意的控制力和支配力更强了。”一名在过去的七年为业内女性提供“专业升级服务”的女子如是说。)
We must model life while we have power over it, so it will not close behind us without a mark.(当我们有能力时,我们必须雕刻生活的模型,这样它就不会不留痕迹地关闭。)
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